Sunday, December 19, 2010

Applying Charity at the Workplace Series

Dealing with Subbordinates / Staff members - A Lesson from the Centurion

The story of the Centurion, having an ailing servant, had requested the help of Jesus to cure him, had always captured my imagination. There are a few pointers we can take to our workplace on how we should treat our subbordinates / staff members.

1. Love your staff

The Centurion's ailing servant was someone whom the Centurion cared about. Because of this love for the faithful servant, the Centurion was motivated to seek Jesus out. So how do we cultivate that love for our staff? Grace. We need to meditate on the meaning of this commandment: 'Love thy neighbour as thyself'.

Who is my neighbour? The story well known to all Christian comes to mind: "The Good Samaritan". What is so unique about the good samaritan story? The central message of good done to neighbour is the motive. It should not be limited to good for myself and my family, nor limited to society, nor limited to obligations, but rather, motivated by selflessness - rooted in love. This is what Christ continues to teach us in the Mass.

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